URL abc
tumblr ·A simple game: Go to the address bar in your favorite browser, and type one letter. Start with “a”, end with “z”.
A: http://arrrrcamp.be/
B: http://brigands.be/
C: http://chefsenvissers.be/
D: http://deredactie.be/cm/vrtnieuws
E: http://www.emaillozevrijdag.be/
F: http://www.fileflambe.be/
G: http://www.google.be/
H: http://www.heartattackgrill.com/
I: http://www.ibood.com/
J: http://jorendegroof.be/
K: http://keephd.com/
L: http://localhost:3000/ (ror ftw!)
M: http://www.monopolycitystreets.com/game.html#en
N: http://nzbindex.nl/
O: http://www.openminds.be/... -
ArrrrCamp 2de edition
arrrrcamp ·After the success of the first edition of our little conference ArrrrCamp (About Ruby, Rails, Radiant and Rum) Openminds and Gorilla Webdesign thought it would be a good idea to organize it twice a year. The 16th of October we headed again to the Zebrastraat in Ghent for our second edition. The number of participants was much...
tumblr ·</embed><p>Afrikaan Beat</p>
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<p>Google at the 57th anniversary of the first patent on the bar code. </p> -
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<p>Belgian farmers in Brussels</p>